Jan 5, 2015

here's to looking ahead


I feel like 2014 was challenging for a lot of people. I've never really been one for New Year's resolutions...I mean, who really keeps them anyway? I've also never wanted to see a year end as badly as 2014. Reflection has been heavy on my mind...what good are struggles if we don't have any take-a-ways? I ran across that quote by R.M. Drake on Instagram & it really resonated with me. The toughest times in my life catapulted me into some of the happiest & created the biggest self development. Never in my life have I felt like it's truly my time to win. Now is the time to tap into your full potential; mind, body, spirit. 2015 will be electrifying...no need to be afraid of failure or greatness. We can conquer 2015 & do it well

Keep shining....the world needs your light!


  1. 2015 is going to be epic...I am claiming it now! :)

  2. Aw I love this. There is so much to look forward to. Cheers, friend!

    1. thanks girl, gotta speak it into existence!

  3. Thanks for using my image! Wishing you the best in 2015 my dear! xx

    1. I love the bright colors you used! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!


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